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Library Rules and Regulations

1) Library membership:

  • All students who have admitted in the college as regular students can get membership of the library on filling up of membership form.
  • The casual students can be given the membership for using the books and journals in the library premises only.

2) Issue and return of books:

The following index shows the number of books each student is entitled to borrow:
• General courses - 3 books
• Major Courses - 4 books
- The book may be retained by a borrower for as period of 15 days only, after which these must be returned or got re-issued.
- A fine rupee 1/- in case of a book per day will be charged if the book is keep overdue.
- Current periodicals are issued to be read in the library premises only. Any person found guilty of tearing or spoiling pages of the magazines will lose his/her privilege of using the library.
- A book in multi volumes cannot be issued except under special circumstances. If one volume of multi volume book is issued and is lost, the price of the whole set shall be charged, in case that particular volume is not available.

3) Loss of books:

The loss of book should be reported to the librarian immediately. The lost book will be replaced by the borrower by a new one duly approved by the librarian, within a period of 14 days, failing which he/she will be required to pay the price of the book plus an additional charge as per library rules.

4) Loss of library card:

The loss of the library card should be immediately reported to the librarian so that the library staff may keep an eye on the issue of books on the lost library card.

5) Reading privileges and discipline:

- A student should be in possession of his identity card before entering the library.
- Perfect silence and order should be maintained in the library. The violation of this rule can lead to the loss of privilege to use the library for a specific period.
- Students are expected to read notices issued by the librarian from time to time. No excuses will be entertained for ignorance of any information notified earlier.
- The students should deposit their personal books, bags, overcoats and other prohibited articles keep in the clock-room. They should also sign on the attendance register placed at the main gate.
- Students without uniform will not allow entering the library.

6) Clearance chit:

Every student is expected to return the library books and get a clearance chit from the librarian, failing which he/she will not be issued roll numbers, character and other certificates from the college and he will also forfeit the amount of his security.

7) Book bank:

Poor and needy students can avail books from the book bank of the library for an academic session.

8) Library ethics for the users:

-The library ethic is a code of conduct to be observed by the readers in their own interest, while in the library. The student community can be trained in a particular direction with consult effort and hard labor of the library staff for some time. The following points of library ethics may be propagated among the readers for creating a congenial atmosphere in the library.

- The entire atmosphere in the library should remain calm and quiet. Your movements while looking up for a book on the rack or while pulling a chair for sitting, should not disturb the other readers.
- While leaving, you are requested to rise gently and replace your chair quietly.
- If you wish to consult some library official, please go quietly and whisper your demand.
- Be courteous to library staffs who are you guides.
- Never spoil the books and journals which lend to pleasure to all.
- Make it a habit to see the library notice board everyday least you miss important information.
- Keep your identity card with you while coming to the library.
- The students are advised to leave the books drawn from the shelves on the tables so that library staffs can t re-shelves the books on the right place.
- It is bad habit to take eatables in the library.
- Do not throw the pieces of papers here and there. Keep the library neat and clean by using the waste paper basket.

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